You can learn more about operating system virtualization and other virtualization methods in the Resources section. 关于操作系统虚拟化和其他虚拟化方法的更多信息,请参见参考资料一节。
Append/ 3gb to the line beginning multi in the [ operating systems] section. 在[operatingsystems]部分将/3gb附加到以multi开头的命令行。
The steps of documenting the server and its operating system were described in the Host the database on a Linux server section. 记录服务器及其操作系统的步骤,在HostthedatabaseonaLinuxserver章节中有所描述。
Ksh_timer might be used with other operating systems, and to achieve this, the ksh_timer_c executable must be rebuild for that operating system using the source code provided in the Installation section of this article. kshtimer可以用于其他操作系统,要实现这一点,必须使用本文安装小节中提供的源代码,为该操作系统重新构建kshtimerc可执行文件。
Operating benefit analysis and calculation of the channel with deviation of the best hydraulic cross section 偏离水力最佳断面渠道运行效益分析计算
An Experimental Study on Conserving Time of Operating Instrument Set for Combat Readiness in Inland and Plateau Section 内陆和高原地区战备消毒包储存时限的试验研究
The negative impact of financing activities on corporate operating performance is studied in Section VI. 第六章研究融资行为对公司经营业绩的消极影响。
In the Operating Activities section of the indirect SCF, why is depreciation expense added back into the cash flow? 在间接法现金流量表的营运活动部分,为什么折旧费用要重新加回现金流中?
This vulnerability affects the operating systems that are listed in the Affected Software section. 这个漏洞影响的操作系统是在前一节中列出的受影响的软件系统。
Discussion of Causes to Bearings Electrolysis of Railway Passenger Cars Operating in Electrified Section 电气化区段运行的铁道客车轴承电蚀原因探讨
The relatively low operating pressure in desorption section makes desorption easy. 单塔流程设备简单,操作方便,解吸段压力低,有利于解吸;
Research on the Model of Truck Operating Speed on Horizontal Curve Section 公路平曲线路段大型车运行速度模型研究
Focusing on the air leak problems while the furnace and flue gas system of fossil-fired boiler is operating, the effect of air leakage coefficient variable of furnace, hot and cooled section of air preheater on the thermal economy of power unit was discussed. 针对燃煤锅炉炉膛和烟气系统运行时存在的漏风问题,阐述了HG-220/100-YM10型锅炉炉膛(含冷灰斗)、空气预热器冷热端漏风系数变化对机组热经济性的影响程度。
The paper introduces the operating principle of the blind drilled press, the press section arrangement of the 4400/ 420 corrugating medium paper machine, the design parameters of the blind drilled press roll and the operating practice of the blind drilled press. 叙述了盲孔压榨的工作原理。介绍了4400/420瓦楞原纸机的压榨部配置、盲孔压辊的设计参数、盲孔压榨的运行实践。
This paper adopts Visual Basic 6.0, compiles predicting model of operating speed and analyzes the consistency of a section of a highway, considering the shifting of practicing car. 本文利用VISUALBASIC6.0,考虑驾驶员在实际操作中的换档原则,编制了运行速度预测程序,并利用程序对某路段进行了公路线形的连续性分析。
Determination of Operating Vibration Section and Analysis of Water-saving Operation in 180 MW Hydro-power Units 180MW水电机组运行振动区测定及节水运行分析
The curvature pavement width operating speed method was adopted in predicting operating speed on the horizontal section. 在纵断面预测中提出极限功率法的思路,在平面预测中引入了曲度-路面宽度-速度的方法。
In the paper, the software configuration, functional modules and the application situation are introduced, and the operating model of every module when mixed section is in the different position, is mainly discussed. 介绍了软件的结构及主要的功能模块,重点讨论了在批输控制过程中混油段处于不同位置时各模块的执行模式,同时介绍了软件的现场应用情况。
The operating condition of the pipeline in fall and winter displays that the pipeline section in No. 2 Tanghe Pumping Station can be operated with bypass operation after the PPD added, which can meet the needs of low-throughput operation of pipeline, and can obtain economic profits. 对秋、冬季管道的运行工况进行了分析测试,管道加剂后可以实现唐河2号站越站运行,能满足管道低输量运行的需要,提高了经济效益。
Through field survey, the paper generalized the operating characteristic of traffic flow at off-ramp terminal weaving section. 在调查的基础上,论文概括了高架道路下匝道地面交织区内交通流的运行特征。
Process flow sheet, design feature, operating parameters of the grinding section of phosphoric acid plant with Bi-water wet method is introduced. A brief analysis and comparision of grinder's selection is also discussed. 介绍二水湿法磷酸生产磨矿工段的工艺流程、设计特点以及操作控制参数,并对磨机的选型进行了初步分析比较和探讨。
Study on Dynamic Characteristics of the Frame of Paper Machine Part ⅰ Determination of Allowable Operating speed for the Frame of Press Section 造纸机机架动态特性研究之二&压榨部机架许用车速的确定
Methods: The operating room nurse conversed with lying-in women, made self introduction, informed essential things before cesarean section, corrected recognition and guided relaxation exercise before and after the operation. 方法:术前手术室护士到床前与产妇交流,自我介绍并交待术前注意事项,术前术后进行矫正认知及松弛训练。
Methods: The PBV and superior sagittal sinus were dissected with operating microscope on 40 adult cerebral specimens and their histological section were observed. 方法:通过手术显微镜和组织学切片,对40例脑标本的桥静脉和上矢状窦进行观测。
Then, the introduction of the instance, and comparative analysis of the two typical new community organization network operating mechanism, summed up the advantages and disadvantages of the public network of organizations operating mechanism, to pave the way for the suggestions section below. 然后,引入实例,并通过对比分析了两种典型新型社区公共组织网络运行机制,归纳出了公共组织网络运行机制的优缺点,为下文的对策建议章节做好铺垫。
Under the normal operating condition, the equilibrium point should deflect a little from the heating section. In other words, there should be some cold air flowing from the fast-cooling section to the firing one. 正常运行操作状态点应在平衡状态点偏向冷却段一侧,即有适量急冷段冷却风流向烧成段。
In the Linux operating system migration section, the cross-compiling environment, U-boot transplantation, the kernel compiling and file system building are briefly described, and the driver development is detailedly presented behind. 在Linux操作系统移植部分,简要阐述了交叉环境的搭建、U-boot移植、内核编译以及文件系统建立,着重介绍了驱动程序的开发。
A stator trailing edge shock appears as the turbine stage is operating at transonic conditions. The shock alters the flow condition in the rotor section periodically. 在跨音速工况下,涡轮级静叶尾缘会出现激波,该激波会对下游动叶通道内的流动产生周期性的影响。
The performance of pressure regulating valve will directly affect the operating pressure and the control accuracy of test section Mach number. 调压阀性能的好坏,直接影响到风洞运行压力,试验段马赫数控制精度。
The first section talks about making arrangements for the scene, then adjusts the spot effects of the Virtual Studio in combination with operating on software. The next section is recording, and the last section relates the later-stage edit and composition of Educational Resources. 首先是对虚拟摄影棚场景进行布置,接着对虚拟摄影棚现场效果进行调整,并结合桌面控制软件进行操作,然后是虚拟摄影棚现场的录制,最后是论述教育资源后期的编辑与合成。